Snoring remedies: Avoid sleeping on your back ( sew a tennis ball into a pocket on the back of a t-shirt) lose weight see and ENT to be sure there aren't any nasal obstructions take medication for allergies use breathe rite strips have a dentist custom make an oral appliance.
Answered 6/10/2014
Snoring: Get a good physical exam by a ENT and sleep study or visit a sleep dentist to get fitted for a mouth piece. All of the doctors will get you in the right direction.
Answered 6/10/2014
Sleep specialist: Could be sleep apnea. There is excellent treatment for that. See a sleep doctor.
Answered 10/10/2013
Snoring remedies: Avoid sleeping on your back ( sew a tennis ball into a pocket on the back of a t-shirt) lose weight see and ENT to be sure there aren't any nasal obstructions take medication for allergies use breathe rite strips have a dentist custom make an oral appliance.
Answered 6/10/2014
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