A member asked:

Having shortness of breath without any other symptoms.i dont have asthma.i had covid 5 months ago.currently taking the inhaler prescribed by doctor during that time.could it be a symptom of long covid?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Yvette Kratzberg answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

It is possible for respiratory problems to be part of the Long Covid range of symptoms. It is important, though to rule out other causes. In persons with damaged airways, healing can take several years. In the interim, the airways react to viruses, cold, smoke and other irritants with increased inflammation. Talk to your Dr about your specific history and situation to get a more complete diagnosis

Answered 1/9/2022


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

If the inhaler is a bronchodilator and provides relief, you may have post COVID-19 inflammation. A steroid inhaler in addition to the bronchodilator may be helpful. Pulmonary function tests and imaging should be considered. A cardiac evaluation is also recommended. Prolonged symptoms occur after COVID-19 often and the term Long COVID-19 is used

Answered 1/9/2022



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