A member asked:

My gradma cough quite a lot. its not covid. there is a lot mucus build up in her throat that she have to forcefully push mucus out from her mouth.she does has asthma. doctor gave her allergy medicine but its working. she had inhaler but they stopped?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

COVID test?: A COVID screening test is recommended. If the test is negative, other causes such as influenza should be considered. Her mucus production may be related to asthma, bronchitis, COPD. Use nasal saline rinses to reduce post nasal drip. If the inhaler relieves the cough, please continue the inhaler as directed. A virtual appointment with HT or with her PCP is suggested. Encourage fluids and rest.

Answered 10/21/2020



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