A member asked:

I have an 11 months old baby girl who has 8 teeth. should i start brushing her milk teeth? if so please recommend and explain how to brush the teeth.

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Brushing baby teeth: Once teeth appear at 6 months wash with soft wet cloth and wash around the mouth with the wet wash cloth as well after meals. You can start using a little tooth paste at 3 y.o. when they are able to spit out.

Answered 1/24/2021



BABY BRUSH SOFT: Get a small baby toothbrush from drugstore .Brush her teeth after every meal the same way you brush yours. Start on the gums than the teeth with a circular motion and not rough .Use a toothpaste for children or any adult toothpaste. Have her watch you by giving her a mirror so she won't be frightened and eventually she will want to brush on her own,

Answered 1/26/2021



Yes, definitely: Use an infant sized toothbrush with extra-soft bristles. Use either an infant toothpaste with no fluoride or a rice sized smear of a fluoride toothpaste. Brush twice a day. Each time you brush start in a different area of the mouth. That way in case you don’t get everything done each time, the areas you do brush will overlap. They should start seeing a Pediatric Dentist now.

Answered 2/11/2021



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