A member asked:

Had 2 consecutive cbc's show low hgb 13.8g/dl, and low hct 41.7% other values were normal. doctor also ordered ldh test which was high at 204. my reticulocytes/100 rbcs were 1.2%, immature 0.10, hemoglobin content 34.3 pg. what's the possible cause?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Silviu Pasniciuc answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Context: Will be needed for a meaningful answer. You have mild anemia, if any, anemia and LDH increase is nonspecific. Best would be to address with ordering physician and see if a referral to a hematologist may clarify findings. By context I mean history that prompted the exam, physical exam, meds taken, etc. Hope it helps.

Answered 9/17/2020



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