A member asked:

4 yr old w/ 5 wks low grade temp (100.4) no other symptoms. 3 cbcs w/ flagged diff, yet overall norm wbc (~11,000), rbc, hgb, etc. neutro h (61%), eos h (6%), lymph l (28%), mchc l (below 28%). suggest fever cause? doc says cbcs are normal; how so???

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Numbers are just...: Lab results usually are numbers, and numbers are just numbers, with little meaning unless a doctor takes in the whole picture of what's going on with a patient. If a patient's blood cell count is mildly higher-or-lower than the reference range, the doctor may or may not consider the result abnormal, depending on the patient's previous results, symptoms, preliminary diagnosis, and medications.

Answered 11/10/2017



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