A member asked:

Stomach pain aftr food for about 10-20 min.releif by zantac (ranitidine) & burp.pain if press on uper abdomin. year ago endscp nrmal.hpylori neg.herd?ulcer?cancer?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Leonard Stein answered

Specializes in Cardiology

Gas Pain?: You maybe swallowing air while eating, do you tend to talk while eating? The burp & zantac (ranitidine) seemed to help, but the Burp may have taken pain away. Not enough information. I am a cardiologist. Sometimes abdominal pain can be from the heart - but somewhat unlikely in a 35yo woman, & cardiac pain is not usually relieved with Burp. Try eating slowly and talking between bites and only after swallowing.

Answered 1/8/2021



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