A member asked:

How can i make the healing process for my sprained foot quicker so i can enjoy my upcoming vacation?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Sprained foot: Or ankle? If its ankle I would wear a ankle brace.....ice it to reduce any swelling that may be present....time heals all wounds....

Answered 6/19/2015


Dr. Scott Keith answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Healing takes time.: Actually, it is difficult, if not impossible to speed up your body's healing any faster than your body's natural capability of healing. Many things will influence healing in a negative way and slow healing down. Malnutrition, poor blood supply, diseases and even poor wound or injury care, to name only a few. The Rice concept addresses the obvious effects of the injury but not the actual healing.

Answered 6/20/2015



Staying off foot: Healing is a process and if you rush it you will make it worse.get a figure of 8 ankle wrap for now and don't run any marathons. but stay off of it as much as possible and see a doctor

Answered 6/19/2015



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