A member asked:

If you have cad, do you need statin if lipid is very well controlled with diet and exercise. my tc 93 tg 96 ldl 42 hdl 41& hemoglobin a1c 4.6. ?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

CAD: Discuss with your doctor. Your numbers are good. Statins do have additonal benefits beyond lipid lowering. Whether its a good idea in you is best judged by your treating physician.

Answered 8/16/2017



Good question: Answers to these questions come from large population studies. Several have shown benefit from statins when there is known CAD even with "normal" cholesterol. The assumption is that even with normal chol level, there is something wrong with the composition, or else it wouldn't deposit in the arteries. There is no way to study an individual, only large populations. May consider low dose.

Answered 6/10/2014



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