A member asked:

Did a sonography of usg pelvis. results showed 3 fibroids & 1 polyp, retroverted uterus & calcification of 1 fibroid.diagnosis? hi.sonography of usg pelvis showed: normal bladder, but retroverted uterus(106x73x59mm). endometiral echo seen in midline(10.7

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

You : You haven't indicated what symptoms lead to the ultrasound, but i'm guessing it was abnormal bleeding. That's a common complication of endometrial polyps, which are benign growths on the lining of the uterus. They are usually addressed by removal though the vagina. Uterine fibroids are benign tumors of uterine muscle that can cause bleeding, pain, or pelvic/abdominal fullness. The fact that one of them has calcium in it means that it's started to regress spontaneously. Treatment of fibroids depends on a lot of things, including the severity of symptoms, patient age, and plans for future fertility. Treatment can range from waiting for menopause to doing a hysterectomy. The polyp may be causing you some bleeding and the fibroids may be causing you some discomfort, but t good news is that the findings suggested by the ultrasound are benign.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Travis McCoy answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

Fibroids: Sounds like uterine fibroids. If no symptoms, nothing would need to be done about it. If bleeding or other issues, could consider a myomectomy if you want to preserve the uterus or a hysterectomy if not.

Answered 9/28/2016



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