A member asked:

22 yrd old f, history of migraines, new symptoms of left arm and hand numbness, blurry vision, & sharp head pain waking me up at night--is this bad?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Migraine: If you are having new symptoms that differ from your usual headache pattern, go to the er and be checked. You may be having a stroke-- at the very least, you will need a complete physical exam, labs, and an imaging study to check things out.

Answered 4/25/2016



Migraine variant.: Most likely you have a variant of migraine in which neurologic symptoms occur after the headache begins. However, these episodes may indicate additional pathology, such as cerebral arteriovenous malformations, transient cerebral ischemia, non-migraine vasospasm. Get checked by a neurologist.

Answered 9/16/2012



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