A member asked:

Mammo in march showed area of interest right breast. had an ultrasound that the radiologist said was" probably" a cyst and said had no suspicious features. she told me to come back in 6 months for a follow up . very nervous about breast cancer. 43f

9 doctors weighed in across 5 answers

Breast cyst: Although any abnormality on a mammo is frightening, a lack of suspicious features on ultrasound is very helpful. If you don't have any palpable abnormality or high family risk for early breast cancer, a six month recheck is very appropriate.

Answered 1/26/2020


Dr. Dennis Higginbotham answered

Specializes in American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Keep follow up appt: You should be concerned but not alarmed. I do not know your family history, but even with no family history of breast cancer you have a 1 in 8 chance for breast cancer. If there were suspicious findings the report would have recommended more invasive follow-up such as a biopsy. You should be comfortable planning to have the recheck in 6 months.

Answered 1/26/2020


Dr. Mark Pack answered

Specializes in General Surgery

?? aspiration: There is no need for you to be worried or nervous. If you are uncomfortable with waiting 6 months to get it rechecked, see your doctor and ask if the 'cyst' can be aspirated. See a surgeon who does breast surgery. Life is too short to worry about things we can do something about!!

Answered 1/26/2020



See a breast surgeon: The chances are the finding is a benign finding but If you are too nervous about the findings and in order to get a more definitive answer, visit a breast surgeon (or a general surgeon or radiologist who is expert in breast care) who can do an ultrasound guided aspiration. This will confirm if the lesion is a cyst. If not a cyst then a core biopsy can be done to establish its nature.

Answered 3/22/2020



Give birads val.: On mammo an area of concern is either that of clustered microcalcificaion or the presence of a stellate lesion suspicious for Ca. An area of interest suggests that while no lesion was seen, an area of suspicion, probably thickened breast tissue present, but no discrete lesion for which you LMD would be notified. When a sono was performed one looks for fluid at the site to suggest cyst.

Answered 1/26/2020



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