Hi, : Hi, that is a great question. First off, breast cysts are very common (especially in middle aged women — 40’s, 50’s & 60’s). The milk glands in the breast can enlarge over time and develop into a cyst. There can be one cyst or a number of cysts. The cyst can be tiny or large. Usually, the major source of concern would be if there was a large cyst that was causing the woman physical discomfort. Masses that are seen on a mammogram that are suggestive of breast cancer often are calcified and usually are solid. The ultrasound is done to ensure that the cyst only contains fluid and no other materials. Unless the cysts contained materials other than fluids, a biopsy is normally not necessary. If the cyst is causing discomfort there is an option for aspiration.
Answered 2/14/2020
The : The cyst can be needle aspirated; if the aspirate is non bloody and the cyst disappears and doesn't recur on evaluattion in 6 weeks nothing more need be done, however if the aspirate is bloody , if the mass doesnt disappear or if it recurrs within the 6 weeks, then excisional bipsy should be done.
Answered 10/3/2016
Breast : Breast cysts are a very common benign condition. The combination of a mammogram and breast ultrasound is usually able to tell if there is anything suspicious. Have you had breast cysts seen before on radiology studies? Breast cysts will often come and go, and be more prominent around the menstrual cycle. Some cysts can be very small. Usually the radiologist can tell and will describe if their finding is a "simple cyst" whcih is a very common benign ultrasound finding. If the cyst is large or looks "complicated" to the radiologist then sometimes a repeat ultrasound is recommended in a few months. Sometimes the radiologist will recommend a needle biopsy if there are concerning or suspicious findings that they see. Needle biopsies just to remove breast fluid often do not yield any helpful information, and pathology of that fluid often offers no information. If the lesion seen was solid (not a water cyst) then a biopsy may be indicated. I hope that helps.You.
Answered 10/4/2016
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