Bone spur: Probably a bone spur form the arthritic joint but other things are an option too to be meor certain it would take a physical exam and some xrays if it is causing problems go see a doctor to evaluate it.
Answered 6/4/2013
Arthritis?: If the bump is the top of the big toe joint, at your age and gender, it could possible be arthritic changes such as a spurring of the joints. It may or may not have pain with range of motion. If you can take a picture and upload it, that would be helpful. I hope this information helps you. Best of luck.
Answered 11/28/2017
Osteoarthritis: You are asking what causes a bump on the big toe that is not a bunion. Osteoarthritis would be a common mass or bump that can develop on the big toe. Also gouty arthritis in males who eat a lot of meat. It tends to be tender hot and painful. See you doctor if it is bothersome or inhibits you from walking normally.
Answered 3/23/2023
A bone spur from the: Joint due to the arthritis at the base of the big toe.
Answered 8/27/2019
Bump: This is usually arthritic spurring caused by a jamming in the joint. Without x rays we are all speculating based on experience. See you podiatrist who will x ray the area and explain this to you.
Answered 12/26/2013
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