A member asked:

Specialist in thyroid cancer did u/s and said no nodule, thinks previous radiologist overread the u/s which said 7mm nodule. who do i believe?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Advise followup: Ultrasound in 6 months. The nodule (if it exists) is small and it is safe to do this. You will have to pick the doctor you feel most comfortable with for this followup exam.

Answered 12/21/2017


Dr. Aaron Shiloh answered

Specializes in Aesthetic Medicine

User dependant: Ultrasound is a user dependent test and the images are created by the person scanning. There are many cases of your exact problem. I personally have been asked to biopsy suspected lesions that when i scan are just not there. It's probably nothing so a 6 month followup should suffice.

Answered 12/21/2017



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