A member asked:

My symptoms are burning pain from the waist down all the way to my feet that is worse when lying down and better when standing. i also get very bad muscle cramping all over my body from my neck down to my feet. can this be small fiber neuropathy?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

There are many types of neuropathy-small fiber being one of them. Your symptoms could certainly be due to a neuropathy of some type. You should see a neurologist for evaluation-you will need to be examined and then testing done to determine the etiology of your symptoms. There is treatment depending on the exact diagnosis. So, see a neurologist for diagnosis/treatment. Good luck!

Answered 2/23/2023



Peripheral neuropathy, especially involving the small fibers is one possibility, but a problem over the lower spinal cord or within the lumbosacral cistern, such as spinal stenosis, might be another explanation. See a neurologist and get this evaluated fully.

Answered 3/2/2023



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