A member asked:

My mothers side of the family has thyroid issues and my family doctor told me that my thyroid blood work was fine. im losing my hair, my throat bothers me and i have a headache that i have been having constantly for about two months now?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Have you had thyroid blood work once or more than once? If it was checked once and it is normal, have it re-checked in about 4-6 weeks to see if it is becoming abnormal or not. There are other etiologies for your symptoms, including vitamin deficiencies so other blood work may be needed. See your doctor for further evaluation. Good luck to you!

Answered 2/3/2023


Dr. Silviu Pasniciuc answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Further diagnostic work up will be needed and other possible sources for your symptoms should be considered if thyroid is believed not to be involved. Your family doc remains best to further coordinate.

Answered 2/3/2023



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