A member asked:

My ana was low positive 1:80. ssa antibody 4.6, negative ssb. pending c3 c4 ch50 with joint pain, swelling, mri showing degenerative changes, fatigue. i don't have a follow up appt with rheumatologist for weeks. feedback on test results?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hiep Le answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

Further tests need to be done by the rheumatologist even when he (she) has the results of pending tests. Please patiently wait for the appointment and further work up.

Answered 11/9/2022


Dr. Christine Hom answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

While we wish for tests that give a clear answer, the ANA in particular is not a clear answer. It's important to know why the ANA was ordered, and the characteristics of the symptoms such as joint pain and fatigue. Tests as presented do not constitute a diagnosis. It is hard to wait, but your doctor is calling in a specialist's opinion. Best wishes.

Answered 11/10/2022



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