A member asked:

If my stool is normal, and my stomach hurts am i in a crohn flare? also, i am not on any medicine as my recent ( last year) colonoscopy and capsule endoscopy were clean,as well as pathology report. first scope i had colitis/ulcers?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Crohn's disease is a diagnosable condition with variable symptoms. If you were not diagnosed with it after your investigations then you dont have it. Stomach area pain can and is most often caused by functional things e.g indigestion.

Answered 7/30/2022


Dr. Rebecca Gliksman answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Colitis can be from many etiologies including medications, infections, Crohn's . Stomach pain can also have various etiologies including gallbladder ,pancreas, stomach , infections and inflammatory bowel disease of which Crohn's is one, Follow up with gastroenterologist to discuss severity of symptoms, blood in stool, lab work , imaging - ultrasound, CT, scoping to determine the diagnosis

Answered 8/1/2022



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