A member asked:

Usg report said suggestive of cystitis due to thickening of the bladder wall(7mm). my family doc said it is due to uti. in urinalysis wbc plenty, rbc 0-2. is the thickening mild? is it something to worry about?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Mark Owolabi answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

UTI and cystitis are the same things. The thickening should resolve with treatment of the infection. Please follow up with your physician for next steps.

Answered 7/23/2022



Bladder wall thickness varies between a full or empty bladder but is normally 2.75 mm or less. Bladder wall is mostly muscle and does not cause is not thickened in acute infection -he mucosa or inner lining is. If worried have another ultrasound done 2-3 weeks after recovery from UTI

Answered 7/25/2022



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