A member asked:

I get occasional eye twists which i cannot control and have begun to spread to one side of my face including mouth. i am affraid about this. is it serious or maybe just a minor side effect of recent injections of botox i had? this started 7 days ago?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hiep Le answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

Blepharospasm is a common side effect of botox injection. Post drug marketing side effects of Botox also include localized muscle twitching/involuntary muscle contractions. So if you symptoms occurred right after receiving botox injection in those areas, side effects are likely. Please contact the doctor who treated you for further instruction.

Answered 7/13/2022



Highly likely that this situation is secondary to BOTOX, and will likely fade fully over 3-4 months at most. Would advise the cessation of future injections, as this is likely to recur if not.

Answered 7/15/2022



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