A member asked:

93 y/o mom has swollen legs and feet, and now developed a small (less than dime sized) sore on the back, bottom leg about inch above achilles heel, which seems to ooze a little.. what can she put on it to promote healing? she wont go to the doctor?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Samuel Galima answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Pressure ulcers, especially on the back, can be relieved with frequent positions changes, especially if bed bound. Bed is best if air-fluidized with advanced static support surfaces. Cleanse with water, avoid alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. Dressing should be moist, but not drenched. Best use hydrocolloid or foam dressing. At her age, quality of life or her personal wishes should be followed.

Answered 7/6/2022



I don’t believe the wound being described is a decubitus ulcer. I believe it is a wound leaking fluid due to the excessive edema. This condition needs to be seen an evaluated by your family doctor or internist. She could have anything from congestive heart failure to kidney failure that needs to be addressed right away. She should elevate her legs as much as possible.

Answered 7/8/2022



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