A member asked:

For pyelonephritis a second dose of levaquin was prescribed because i have been having reoccurring uti resistant to macrobid. i am still in pain and burning while urinating. stomach and flank pain, nausea and chills. how long should recovery take?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

Symptoms should improve within 2 days and entirely gone within 5-10 days. If longer, keep working with your doctor to confirm the diagnosis; rule out other causes; check for complications or factors that make for worse infections (kidney stone, blocked ureter, etc); and perhaps change treatment yet again. Maybe consider consultation (infectious diseases and/or urology); discuss w/ your doctor.

Answered 5/1/2022



I hope you are under care of a Urologist, if not do so ASAP. In uncomplicated Pyelo. it takes at least 2 weeks to recover. Hope you feel better soon.

Answered 5/26/2022



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