A member asked:

Female 38 had lowest range iron level given ferrous fermarate 210mg for 3 months now gp wants me take it another 3 mths,i asked for ferritin blood test,but he said cannot test while taking it he will test after this 3mth course is finished,correct?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Reid Blackwelder answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

It is reasonable to get a ferritin as that truly looks at iron stores in your body. You can check it while on iron but you should have at least 12 hours pass after your last dose. It can take up to 6 months to replace iron after your blood count is normal. Hopefully you have identified a reason for low iron? Also different things impact absorption of iron. Your version has the most iron in it

Answered 11/6/2021



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