A member asked:

My ferritin is 4.4 i had heavy period, what if ferritin drops under zero? is it an emergency? also my iron is 26 and my blood in hemolysis. is 330 mg of ferrous fumarate every 12 hours enough to raise levels? i can barely function, struggle to walk?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Hiep Le answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

You have asked this question many times. I wonder how low your hemoglobin is. Ferritin never drops below zero. You keep taking ferrous fumarate as instructed before, it is a good and easily tolerable formula. Blood transfusion is indicated if Hb is less than 7 for symptomatic anemia. If severe menorrhagia is the cause of this severe iron deficiency you need to see a GYN doctor. Good luck.

Answered 5/30/2023



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