A member asked:

I got my cast off after fracturing my hand's 2nd metacarpal bone (oblique, no surgery). when i try to close my fist my 2nd finger wants to cross over my middle finger i can make them straight but when i do my fingers feel squished. is this normal?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

If your fingers are crossing over, then I would get it checked. These fractures can displace/rotate and cause scissoring/rotation with flexing the fingers. I would get a new xray and an evaluation by a hand surgeon.

Answered 4/25/2021


Dr. Steven Brown answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

No. The fracture healed with a degree of rotation so now when you make a fist that rotation causes the finger to flex in a plane not consistent with the neighboring finger and it crosses over the middle finger. Oblique fractures of the metacarpal usually requier pinning or plating to prevent this rotation and loss of length. It can be corrected

Answered 4/25/2021



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