Interesting: A calorie expresses heat-producing or energy producing value in food when oxidized in the body.
Answered 10/23/2017
Yes and no.: A calorie is a unit of energy. But the food you eat is metabolized differently depending on what its made of: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Carbs raise blood sugar and cause insulin release. Some studies link carbs to blood vessel inflammation; others link some types of fats to heart disease. Eating different types of calories may make weight loss easier or harder. It's not a clear picture
Answered 7/19/2017
Yes: The calorie in physics is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. The term Calorie in food, is a Kilo calorie and is 1000 times the value of the term calorie used in physics. For good health - Have a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, milk and milk products, nuts, beans, legumes, lentils and small amounts of lean meats. Avoid saturated fats. Drink enough water daily, so that your urine is mostly colorless. Exercise at least 150 minutes/week and increase the intensity of exercise gradually. Do not use tobacco, alcohol, weed or street drugs in any form. Practice safe sex, if you have sex.
Answered 7/28/2017
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