A member asked:

36/m.i get brownish mucus wth stool often, v rarely mxd with little red blood.not tarry.no pain.passing gas often.soft stool but not watery.bowel regular.blood hb 13.9.surgeon examined abd physically-ok.no fevr. r thse symps of billous adenoma or ca?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sandhya Thomas-Montilus answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Colonoscopy: It is imperative that you get a colonoscopy to rule out cancer. You cannot rule it out with just a physical abdominal exam. While you don't have all the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, that, too, can only be completely ruled out with a colonoscopy. I'm assuming that a rectal exam was done and a stool guaiac done to see if you had any occult blood in your stool.Bowel

Answered 1/22/2021



Evaluation: You should evaluated by Gastroenterology to have endoscopy and biopsy of colon to R/O inflammatory bowl syndrome or other cause so be treated.

Answered 1/22/2021



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