A member asked:

What could an isolated systolic high blood pressure 155max mean in a young adult healthy high hdl low ldl level no family history nor heart condition, rhr 48-50 no symp, bmi of 22, low salt intake. only a nodule on lung but harmless ?

13 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Charles Gordon answered

Specializes in Adolescent Medicine

Isolated finding: Maybe measured with too small a cuff. All the other data you mentioned looked OK. Stop obsessing over single numbers! One has to look at findings in a context. You can make a virtual appt and we can discuss in more detail if you want to.

Answered 11/11/2015


Dr. David Lipkin answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

White Coat HTN?: Some peoples BP is normal except for when they visit a doctor. This is called White Coat hypertension. The blood pressure should be taken twice more over a 20-30 minute period. It will often drop to normal during the visit. If still elevated, check several home blood pressures. If still elevated you may have hypertension. (Electronic BP monitors can be inaccurate) see> http://bit.ly/1FuSWTT

Answered 11/10/2015


Dr. Dora Chizea answered

Specializes in Anti-Aging Medicine

Systolic H/BPconcern: 19 y/o male asks, What could an isolated systolic blood pressure 155max mean in a young adult Healthy... Systolic Hypertension is of concern at this age, though more so after age 50yrs. Potential for Cardiovascular disorders, early stiffening of arteries, Chronic Kidney Disease, even Stroke come into perspective. Other considerations;Headaches/Eye Problem/Ears ringing. Need MD to check Thyroid &..

Answered 11/10/2015


Dr. Ira Katz answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Many things/nothing: Why are you aware of the problem? It could be anxiety from knowing about the BP being high fueling itself, especially if you are worried and routinely checking. If doing home checks, make sure the cuff is the right size. At your age "secondary causes" of HTN have to be checked for and ruled out or treated if found. But need to know more and possibly get some tests. Most importantly don't worry.

Answered 11/19/2015



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