A member asked:

31 y/o male 24 bmi 125/75 bp only risk factor is low hdl. havent worked out in years and began running, at .5 mile i get pain in left side of chest that hurts more when i take a deep breath. heart or lungs? stress test ok 1 yr ago. male pattern ekg?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Don"t know what a "male pattern ECG is".If you are getting chest pain with exertion, although it is atypical as you describe it , I would get evaluated by your doctor regardless of your HDL. Likely that the pain is not related to your heart.

Answered 8/28/2021



I agree that your left chest pain, worse with a deep breath, is not of cardiac origin. Your negative stress test is reassuring. A rib cage or musculoskeletal cause is more likely. Diaphragm spasm can also cause pain in the side with vigorous running. None of these is serious. Runner's bronchospasm doesn't appear likely due to absence of wheeze and cough.

Answered 8/28/2021



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