A member asked:

I must put off my 2 dental implants for one month. have been using a removable denture and just got a cbct. so, i'll never be able to get implants?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

No: If your CBCT reveals there is adequate bone structure for placing implants, delaying the surgery for one month should not prevent you from proceeding with your implant surgery, unless there are other preventing circumstances. Your dentist and/or surgeon can advise you.

Answered 6/30/2015


Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Yes, you can: CBCT can help you determine if you are a good candidate for implant surgery. If yes, you always can get dental implants later. Implants are absolutley possible after having a removable dentures.

Answered 7/11/2015


Dr. John Thaler answered

Specializes in Prosthodontics

Depends: See the specialists who do this regularly and have advanced training in the treatment of complex situations. The Prosthodontist , the Oral Surgeon and the Periodontist. Start with the Prosthodontist, as you will be finishing with them and they guide the treatment requirements and timetable. Sometimes we must sacrifice neighboring teeth to access bone to build fixed teeth to fill spaces. Good Luck.

Answered 7/11/2015



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