A member asked:

A painless, solid, movable lump about the shape of a bean by my tailbone. size is about 0.5 in by 0.2 in. there is a pit. lipoma or pilonidal cyst?

9 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Susan Rhoads answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Can't tell from here: A painless moveable mass under the skin there could be either, or it could be a sebaceous cyst or other non-cancerous growth/mass. No way to tell for sure without taking it out and sending it for a pathology report. Any new mass (bump, knot) on or under skin (or anywhere else) should be checked out by your doc. A mass that is not new but changing in size or symptoms should also be checked.

Answered 6/21/2015



Sounds like cyst: This sounds more like a cyst than a lipoma. Lipomas are usually bigger and really soft. It is not necessarily a pilonidal cyst, it could be just a sebaceous cyst. Have your doctor look at it at your next appointment.

Answered 6/25/2015



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