A member asked:

Y big toe is swollen and purple puss come out in the side get crusty been cleaning it pain 2 month and i don't have insurance?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Donald Alves answered

Specializes in Emergency Medicine

Infection: You need to see a dr for this prolonged infection. Look for local resources--either county health department based or community clinic that will see you on sliding scale or for free, or if no other option, go to er to be seen & get treatment, then work with hospital's billing/social work dept's to negotiate payment.

Answered 11/1/2016


Dr. Jordan Steinberg answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Ingrown toenail: It seems like you have an infected ingrown toenail. You should try to soak the area in epsom salts and warm water on a daily basis. If the infection does not resolve you should see a podiatrist for further evaluation. Untreated infected ingrown toenails can cause the infection to spread and could also infect the bone which is underneath the nail.

Answered 6/23/2018



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