PELVIC PAIN: Endometriosis causes. Lot of pelvic pain but if your ultrasound is normal , listen to your md. Take rx for pelvic pain.
Answered 3/7/2013
Yes: Endometriosis does not typically show up on ultrasound (unless you have a type of ov. Cyst containing endometriosis tissue/fluid), and ovarian cancers can escape detection on imaging until they are a later stage. You should see an oncologist about getting tested for brca2, b/c if you are a carrier -there are screening recommendations (and some preventative recs, too). Endometriosis seems more likel.
Answered 3/8/2013
Yes and No: Yes: you could definitely have endometriosis with a clear ultrasound, but would not likely have an endometrioma of the ovary no: it would be pretty unlikely to have ovarian cancer with a clear ultrasound and even if you did have extremely early undetectable cancer, it would not cause pain.
Answered 10/7/2017
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