A member asked:

Is loose stool always unhealthy? i drink a lot of water and eat a lot of salad. i also take around 700mg of vitamin c a day

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Randy Baker answered

Specializes in Holistic Medicine

Not always: Generally loose stools mean that things are moving relatively quickly through your intestines, which water and salad would encourage.700mg of vit. C is unlikely to affect this. Conversely, hard dense stool has spent a long time transiting the intestines. In general, it is healthier to have food and waste move quickly thru the GI tract than linger too long, so loose stools are often not a problem.

Answered 4/27/2020


Dr. Bernard Seif answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Loose stool: can mean you are not taking in proper nutrition. Please see your doctor. If he/she rules out a GI disease you can consider taking a good probiotic. The gut is sometimes called the "second brain." GI symptoms can also be triggered by emotions. If so, you can consult a clinical psychologist for stress management training. Peace and good health.

Answered 4/27/2020



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