Typically : Typically Amoxicillin is given, however you may be dealing with a more serious issue like bone involvement or a deep infection that requires dental surgery. Please re-post this question for the dentists here on avvo.Com and secondly look into free or low cost dental clinics in your area. You really should be seen to avoid any serious complications. Best of luck.
Answered 4/12/2020
See your DDS: Most endodontic infections respond to Amoxicillin which is an inexpensive medication however some do not. It is most important to match the right drug to the infection. I suggest you seek a local dentist to evaluate and prescribe the appropriate medication. In the long run this will be the most cost effective approach. Good luck.
Answered 9/28/2017
Depends: Assuming that you are not allergic to the penicillin family, Amoxicillin or penicillin are appropriate. Depending on where you live, if those are prescribed to you, some grocery stores offer them for free (like giant). The next antibiotic on the list is clindamycin, which should be relatively inexpensive. Your dentist has to determine the need for antibiotic, therefore you should see one.
Answered 11/10/2015
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