Breast Augmentation: Breast augmentation is a generally safe, effective, outpatient procedure performed under moderate sedation or general anesthesia. Age only plays a role in so far as it affects your ability to safely undergo the associated anesthesia and may have more problems healing.
Answered 10/4/2016
Age is relative: The decision to get breast implants in a personal one and age is seldom a factor. Before making the decision a woman should be fully informed and generallly in good enough health for the operation. Being fully informed means understanding the risks of the initial procedire and that down the road chances are additional surgery will be required.
Answered 5/18/2016
NO AGE LIMIT: I've done a first time breast augmentation on a 64 year old and a revision cosmetic augmentation on an 89 year old. They were otherwise healthy with reasonable expectations.
Answered 11/25/2012
Not age dependent: There is no specific age cut off per se. What matters is the overall health of the patient. Like any completely elective surgery, breast augmentation should not be performed in patients that are high risk for complications because of other medical conditions.
Answered 3/14/2019
Too Old For Surgery?: Age is not the final determining factor in regards to breast augmentation surgery. You have to be in good health and understand the potential risks and complications associated with elective surgery. I have had older women who had this surgery and healed nicely and are very happy they proceeded with surgery, even at an older age.
Answered 2/13/2019
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