OSTEOARTHRITIS: Children who have hip dysplasia commonly develop osteoarthritis in the hips at an early age. This needs to be treated with medicine and/or with physical therapy. Despite aggressive medical management, young adults with your history may ultimate require total hip replacements. You need to see you physician to set up treatment
Answered 5/21/2016
Normal MRI: If indeed a recent MRi was normal the cause of the pain might be in the lower spine or ischial tuberosity, causing what we call referred pain.
Answered 11/27/2017
Hip Pain: Hip and SI joint pain have a great deal of overlap. There are many things that can cause these symptoms, such as bone deformities, muscle and ligament injuries, as well as bursal abnormalities. If there is a history of developmental hip problems, further evaluation would be beneficial to make sure there is no lasting effects.
Answered 4/18/2016
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