CellsBehaviorComplex: Cells, literally fat (membranes) organized water droplets are complex entities still only partially understood. Neutrophils=typically the dominant of 5 general types of WBCs (based on different appearance, H&E stained, as viewed under a microscope). They largely stay in bloodstream (unlike lymph & mono cells), eat Cancer, Bacteria & Virus. Normal defined as average to include central 96% of group.
Answered 3/27/2017
Probably normal 4 U: Everything measured in human population falls on a bell shaped curve. 97% of people fall into the middle part of the curve, ; only few people are on the tails at the ends high; low. That's often where pathology lies, but not for everybody. Some just run higher or lower than the general 'average' population. Best to follow over time for 1-2 yrs to make sure the values are stable.
Answered 3/8/2014
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