A member asked:

The dentist said that for my tmj, my disk on one side is gone.the bones are hitting one another and are crushing the veins in my face. this is causing pain in the face and arms.what should i do?

7 doctors weighed in across 5 answers

Tmj: If that is the case you need to see an oral surgeon or otolaryngologist to determine ifthey can help you.

Answered 12/28/2013



Need Rx: Once disk damaged beyond repair you may need joint surgery. Cause of joint damage, usually malocclusion, must be treated in conjunction with other TMJ treatment modalities. Please have occlusal evaluation by orthodontic specialist and joint evaluation by oral ; , maxillofacial surgeon who will team w your restorative dentist to treat your significant problem. No quick fixes as damage extensive.

Answered 6/10/2014


Dr. Qamar Khan answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Disk in Neck?: My assumption is you are speaking about your disk in your neck? If not, then unlikely that anything going on in your face can cause arm pain. If you need your arm pain checked out, consider MRI of your neck to evaluate the bones and disks in your neck to see if there is a pinched nerve or not.

Answered 6/10/2014



TMJ: Tmj symptoms vary widely from patient to patient and may wax and wane within an individual. The most common symptoms with TMJ disease include: facial pain, pain in the jaw joint and surrounding tissues, including the ear jaw locking while open or closed limited opening or inability to open the mouth comfortably, headaches bite that feels "off", neck, shoulder and back pain, swelling of face.

Answered 6/16/2014


Dr. Louis Gallia answered

Specializes in Surgery - Oral & Maxillofacial

Oral Surgeon: An oral surgeon is much better at assessing TMJ than an ENT doc. I am board certified in both areas.

Answered 6/10/2014



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