A member asked:

What does a hsv2 igm pos 1:40 titer and hsv2 igg negative indicate. is this a low titer. i'm asymptotic. do i have herpes. please help ?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

IgM means recent: Igm is the antibody that is released when you are first exposed to a bacteria or virus. Over time, as more specific antibodies develop, igg is produced. Being igm positive and igg negative for the hsv2 virus means you recently contracted the virus. Fyi about 25% of adults carry the hsv2 virus, although many remain asymptomatic.

Answered 9/15/2013



Recent infection: In response to an infectious exposure, a person will form igm antibodies initially but after time you begin to make igg antibodies. You have been exposed to herpes recently.

Answered 9/15/2013



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