Genital herpes: This IgG result almost certainly means you are infected with HSV2. IgM normally becomes negative over time, so you've probably had it at least a few months. It is quite common for people to have HSV2 and never notice outbreaks -- but now keep your eyes out and get examined ASAP if genital blisters or sores appear, even if mild. You need to tell partners and take precautions to prevent passing it.
Answered 11/28/2017
Previous infection: The test for herpes simplex virus is done by measuring antibodies (IgM & IgG) in the bloodstream. When the body is first infected by herpes it makes IgM to fight the infection. It then makes IgG to be ready to fight the germ if it attacks again and the IgM mostly goes away. Your tests imply you had herpes in the past but not right now. Mild infections may not be noticed but still show in the test.
Answered 11/28/2017
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