A member asked:

Tested neg just past 3month mark for hsv2 igg type specific. igm and culture not included. so far no burning urination, open sores/blisters/discharge. constant redness and burning sensation. advice?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

When a person: Becomes infected, the immune system tries to fight the infection with production of antibodies. Two most common use for test are igm and igg. Hsv 2 igm are usually detectable 7-10 days after the infection and levels stay high for 2 weeks. Igg do not show up until later after initial infection. It will be possible to have a false negative. If you have high risk factors or symptoms talk to your doc.

Answered 10/2/2013



Burning sensation: Burning sensation where? Could be anything i, contact dermatitis, allergic reaction to medication, infection, . Follow-up with your doctor.

Answered 10/5/2013



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