A member asked:

Can my hsv test be a false positive? im a virgin whos only ever done oral sex once 3 months ago. had a confirmed false+ syphilis test and now hsv igm is 2.64 & igg is 0.74. i have no symptoms and im negative for everything else. could it be ebv?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

False positive HSV IgM tests are extremely common -- so much so that herpes and STI experts never use them for HSV testing and advise their patients to ignore IgM results; IgG is the only reliable type of HSV antibody test, and your negative IgG result is reliable -- for sure you do not have HSV. EBV does not do this. It's just a coincidence you had a false pos syphilis test as well.

Answered 10/3/2023



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