A member asked:

I am experiencing skin rash (quality: itchiness, blisters, flaking or scaling) . : skin redness or irritation. not contagious. rash 3 weeks original rash looks like it's healing but skin around it is red and raised with tiny clear fluid blisters ?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Edward Workman answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Sound like a burn: Your symptoms are suggestive of a burn, or sunburn, as in a 1st degree burn, where you have redness and blisters but no true deep skin damage. It is typical for a rash to clear and have blisters left over; they are tiny areas of inflammation fluid left over from the active rash process. It sounds like it is resolving. If it persists are recurs, you should probably see a dermatologist.

Answered 6/10/2017



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