A member asked:

Hla+, esr-, crp-, ana-, ccp-. went thru mri which said inflammation sacrolities with acute erosion of illiac bone. what to make of it? is it curable?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Worrisome: They're looking for anklyosing spondylitis but from your report, i'd worry about osteomyelitis (bone infection). You need further testing. Stay in touch with your doctor!

Answered 9/11/2013


Dr. Ramachandran Srinivasan answered

Specializes in Rheumatology

HLA B27 : Your description fits in with hla b27 positive spondyloarthropathy which primarily affects spine, si joints and larger peripheral joints such as hip and knees. It is an inflammatory joint disease and needs to be thorough evaluated and aggressive treatment initiated by a rheumatilogist . Sacro iliac joint x-ray shows inflammation of sacro iliac joint called sacroilitis

Answered 9/12/2013



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