No - cysts are OK: Cysts in the breast are fluid balls that are not cancerous. They also do not increase your risk for cancer later. They are from fibrocystic changes (hormonal and glandular) in the breast that occur in some women. If the cyst is large or painful it can be drained, otherwise typically nothing is done. Your cancer risk is increased because of your mom, so you may need to begin mammograms early.
Answered 10/4/2016
No: Most breast cysts are benign and are very common. If there is a solid part to it that should be removed; if it disappears completely with needle aspiration then you dont need to worry.
Answered 4/16/2016
Yes: Cysts in breasts, especially in young women, are usually not cancer. Having a sinlge person with cancer in your family just means that you don't have a strong family history of cancer. Most people have more than one. If she had breast cancer at a young age, that would be a greater cause for concern.
Answered 12/30/2013
4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
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