A member asked:

Calf is achey. history of sciatica. the arch of foot seems to be collapsing with weigh. a little tender to touch. no swelling, heat, or redness. cause?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. John Michalski answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Calf pain: Consider posterior tibial is tendon dysfunction with your fallen arch. May be residua of pinched nerve. Consider DVT also as a more ominous condition.

Answered 1/20/2019


Dr. Qamar Khan answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Its All Related: Back is related to how the arch fell in your foot resulting in knee joints changing position that results in hip issues then translating to stress in your spine resulting in pieced nerves causing your sciatica. Thats said, likely improving your arch with support/orthotic will help reduce the back pain. Remember this will not happen overnight but will take time and your feet will hurt initially.

Answered 1/20/2019



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