A member asked:

8 month ago, after throw up my food, ifelt something stuck in my throat, seen ent 3 times, done endoscopy but nothing.just noticed my right tonsil is bigger, always feel something sharp when swallow, ear 2?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Tonsillar Enlargment: Its pretty unlikely that 3 ents missed a tonsillar abscess or foreign body, as you can often see this without otolaryngoscopy. Having said that, the sensation of "something stuck" can be extremely irritating, and new enlargement of one tonsil might warrant a ct scan of neck. Most often its due to "tonsillar crypts" that accumulate bits of food and form "tartar-like" granules. I'd recommend a scan.

Answered 10/1/2013



Esophagus problem?: Could be something going on with your esophagus. Think about seeing a gastroenterologist - you made need to have a full upper endoscopy done.

Answered 7/10/2013



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