OTC pain meds: Take some otc pain medication such as advil, Motrin or aleve (naproxen) or what you would normally take for a headache. The pain should subside shortly. If not, speak to your orthodontist.
Answered 6/30/2014
Requires attention: If the 'spacer' is a separator, it could be lodged below the gums and create significant pain. Otc meds are a temporary measure only. Call to schedule an emergency appointment with the doctor who placed the spacer immediately.
Answered 1/2/2015
Spacer?: If you mean the little plastic donuts or metal clips that go between back teeth to make room for placement of metal bands on the teeth, 1 200mg advil/ibuprofen/motrin every 4 hors with food or liquids should help. If you mean a space maintaining appliance, it should be looked at asap by the dentist that placed it. It may be sore because it's new, it has activity, or it is displaced.
Answered 9/19/2013
Needs attention: Depending on the duration of your pain, i would consider calling the dentist/orthodontist who placed the spacer. Some pain can often occur when spacers are put in, but if the pain is unbearable or if it persists, don't hesitate to be seen.
Answered 12/9/2013
Yes.: See the doctor who placed it as soon as you can. It should not hurt like crazy.
Answered 4/25/2015
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